We’ve got you covered!

We dedicate our skills and resources to your success.

We are ready to work hand-in-hand with you to deliver exceptional results. FAST! Our Project Management Office ensures effective execution and timely delivery.

We’ve got you covered!

We dedicate our skills and resources to your success.

We are ready to work hand-in-hand with you to deliver exceptional results. FAST! Our Project Management Office ensures effective execution and timely delivery.

You can expect to achieve these when engaging our services:

  • Scaled performance and business growth with on-demand resources & capacity
  • Accelerated effective execution
  • Improved efficiency
  • Reduced time-to-hire and overhead costs
  • Time given back to your team to focus on strategic, long-term business stewardship
  • Reduction of committed overheads

Our Team is your Team – “plug & play” at a fraction of the cost

We invest our skills and resources in your success. We are ready to be plugged into your vision, business & strategies.

We work hand-in-hand with you to develop your early-stage technologies into investible propositions, as well as maximizing returns on your innovation investments.

We have all that you need to scale, accelerate and succeed.

Our wide range of expertise can be tailored to your strategic and innovation needs. We’ve got you covered!


Our 360-innovation services cover from technology incubation, technology development, corporate services to technical support services

Technology Incubation & Development

  • Concept validation
  • Compound discovery & development
  • Product innovation
  • Pre-clinical research validation & trial coordination
  • Clinical research validation & trial coordination
  • IP strategy & prosecution
  • Regulatory compliance & strategy
  • Product development
  • Product formulation optimization
  • Manufacturing & production optimization
  • Total quality & Quality Management System
  • Supply chain management & optimization
  • Medical marketing
  • Strategic brand management
  • Laboratory services
  • Specialty extraction
  • Pilot/small scale manufacturing

Corporate & Technical Support Services

1. Legal

  • Commercial & licensing agreements
  • Corporate support
  • M&A support


2. IP Generation & Monetization

  • Patent portfolio strategy
  • Patent drafting, filing & prosecution
  • Data to IP asset
  • Patentability & FTO assessment


3. Finance

  • Day-to-day finance operations
  • Financial planning
  • Cashflow planning & management
  • Monthly/quarterly reporting
  • Annual budgeting, audits & taxation

4. Due diligence: Technical, IP, Legal & Financial


5. Commercialization

  • Market research
  • Business development
  • Growth strategy
  • Product-market fit
  • Strategic marketing management
  • Key Account Management


We are your “go-to” on-demand resources for additional skills and/or capacity.

Our dedicated deep functional expertise, purposed-build frameworks, proven processes & systems, as well as our established industry network will enable you to exceed business goals without increasing headcount.

Our subscription-based service plans are highly flexible and transparent.

Standard plans

Bespoke customized plans

Plug & play – no need to
build from scratch

Ensure high efficiency with
no dollar goes wasted

Stay on-track with
regular progress updates

Our subscription-based services:

  • QMS documentation (i.e QM, SOP, Forms templates) with regular updates
  • QMS compliance (internal quality audit, QMS document audit/review, pre-certification audit and supplier audit)
  • Pharmacovigilance and product/medical enquiry handling
  • Legal manufacturer service (for supplements, medical devices)
  • End-to-end supply chain and quality management (including qualification & audits)
  • Risk management file & report generation
  • Post-market surveillance plan & report generation
  • QMS documentation (i.e QM, SOP, Forms templates) with regular updates
  • QMS compliance (internal quality audit, QMS document audit/review, pre-certification audit and supplier audit)
  • Pharmacovigilance and product/medical enquiry handling
  • Legal manufacturer service (for supplements, medical devices)
  • End-to-end supply chain and quality management (including qualification & audits)
  • Risk management file & report generation
  • Post-market surveillance plan & report generation


We can help you solve skill or capacity gaps whenever the need arises.

Our end-to-end capabilities offer you dedicated on-demand resources to address your urgent needs and priorities without the need for long-term resource commitments.

We are experienced with dossier compilation & submission

• EFSA health claim applications

• Novel food applications (incl. safety & benefit evaluations)

• EFSA safety evaluation for fermentation processes & plant-based proteins

• Traditional herbal medicines for EU, including Germany, Austria and Switzerland

We have completed product
development projects

• Natural Products: Botanical extracts from tropical biodiversity for local & US markets, value added food products (drinks) from tropical fruits from cultivation to production

• Food, dietary supplements, FSMPs, botanical drugs

We have helped our clients with:

• Label check for compliance

• Advice on optimal regulatory route to enter
EU and US markets

Our full-circle ecosystem has all you need to scale, accelerate and succeed

We offer a wide range of expertise that can be tailored
to meet your strategic & innovation needs